


My latest project is a teapot, I think its going to turn out really nice, I have the pot itself already thrown and footed, the spout has been thrown as well as the lidd. Now all I have left to do is pull the handle and the decorative handle for my lidd. I plan on doing a simple handle for the teapot and pulling really small peices of clay for the handle on my lid to make it look like curled ribbon, I'm super excited to see the finished project.




I finally got a new project started on, I made a vase and im going to make it my lidded project. I plan on throwing my lid tomorrow. check back in next week for more updates on my progress.
just a quick update on my work in class, I've been working on the wheel everyday but I havent been having much luck with my projects, I don't think Ive been compressing my clay enough when making my plates so they are getting pretty large cracks in the center after being bisqued which is unfortunate, hopefully I will have more luck on the wheel within the next few days.