this is my first theme blog post! I've been thinking a lot about themes for my presentation and I figured the best way to pick my theme would be to create a web of adjectives and describing words based off of all the similarities between my four images I created based off of my artist trading cards. First of all, I noticed that all my works were created using multiple types of media (newsprint, acrylic paint, watercolor, graphite, etc.), They all are also based off of a compiliation of my artist trading cards. Between all of my cards, I seemed to use a group of 4 cards the most, my media, mood, composition and famous artists cards. All of my projects were paintings which webbed off of eachother, however, my favorite is my canvas transfer of a ballerina. It combines the works of an earlier artist (Edgar Degas) but I used the ink transfer to put my own spin on it. His painting is darker and more somber while mine is noticably more cheerful and femenine.
1/2/2011 06:59:14 am

Outline please...


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